I’m really passionate about helping others. I believe I’m living a fortunate life and I want to share that with others. So I set up my foundation, Care Play Love for All Friends. The purpose is to help children who live a less fortunate life. Some are disabled and most of them are from a very poor family

Every time I walked through the village I wanted to be able to relieve the suffering of the families of the disabled children. They receive little to no support from the government. I was searching for a way to help these families.

That’s when my two passions came together, my love for helping others and my love for music. Each month I did a fundraising together with students from the local schools. We played music in local markets to raise money and raise awareness.

From the funds we raised we bought supplies for the families like diapers, rice, milk and personal care products monthly. I have been doing this for three years and counting.